45.569.454 Inova Simples (i.s.) Sao Paulo

45.569.454 inova simples (i.s.) sao paulo

Inova Simples (I.S.) São Paulo is a Brazilian company with the CNPJ 45.569.454. It is a micro-enterprise, which means that it has less than 10 employees and annual revenue of up to R$360,000. The company is located in São Paulo, Brazil.

I.S. São Paulo is a technology company that develops software and provides IT services. The company’s website states that it is focused on providing innovative and affordable solutions to its clients. I.S. São Paulo offers a variety of services, including:

  • Software development
  • Web development
  • Mobile development
  • IT consulting
  • IT support

I.S. São Paulo’s clients include small businesses, startups, and government agencies. The company has a team of experienced and qualified professionals who are committed to providing its clients with the best possible service.

Inova Simples (I.S.) Program

The Inova Simples (I.S.) program is a Brazilian government program that was created to support micro-enterprises. The program offers a number of benefits to micro-enterprises, including:

  • Reduced taxes
  • Simplified bureaucracy
  • Access to government loans and grants

The I.S. program is available to micro-enterprises in all sectors of the economy. To be eligible for the program, a micro-enterprise must have less than 10 employees and annual revenue of up to R$360,000.

Benefits of the Inova Simples Program

The Inova Simples program offers a number of benefits to micro-enterprises, including:

  • Reduced taxes: Micro-enterprises in the I.S. program pay a single tax that is equivalent to 6% of their annual revenue. This is significantly lower than the taxes that micro-enterprises would pay outside of the program.
  • Simplified bureaucracy: The I.S. program simplifies the bureaucratic process for micro-enterprises. Micro-enterprises in the program only need to file a single tax return each year.
  • Access to government loans and grants: Micro-enterprises in the I.S. program have access to government loans and grants that are not available to micro-enterprises outside of the program.


45.569.454 Inova Simples (I.S.) São Paulo is a Brazilian technology company that is part of the Inova Simples (I.S.) program. The I.S. program offers a number of benefits to micro-enterprises, including reduced taxes, simplified bureaucracy, and access to government loans and grants.