What Should You Do if Your Toddler Has COVID-19? 

The COVID-19 virus has had a significant effect on everyone’s lives, especially after the pandemic. Although the governments have become more lenient with COVID-19 and its quarantine protocols, this virus is still an issue. There are already vaccines available for this disease, but there’s still no cure. If you know what to do when they get affected, you won’t have to panic. 

Watch Out for Symptoms

If you have a toddler, watching out for symptoms must be easier. The primary thing you must look out for is the fever and cough. 

COVID-19 virus can also cause trouble breathing and gastrointestinal problems like nausea, trouble breathing, stomachache and diarrhea. Muscle aches and headaches are also common symptoms of COVID-19, accompanied by loss of sense of taste and smell. The severity of the symptoms can vary by people, and it might be more serious for some toddlers while some can stay asymptomatic.

Additionally, there are some cases where children experience more symptoms due to the inflammation caused by COVID-19. This can be a severe case because it can develop into a more serious set of symptoms for several weeks. It can also affect the body’s various parts, like the kidneys, heart, lungs, skin, and other extensive organ systems.

You can let your child drink medicines to alleviate the symptoms for a home-based treatment. The medicines vary depending on their symptoms. For fever, let your child drink paracetamol. For coughs, you can give them herbal medicine or a cough suppressant. Just ensure that they’re the appropriate ones for them.

You can reach out to their doctor for help. You might get overwhelmed due to the number of symptoms, but keep your mind clear and note what they’re showing to report to the doctor. 

They might require your toddler to drink a few meds, and the costs can add to the stress. Fortunately, you can now buy medicines with a prescription rx discount. This coupon helps people to purchase their medications at a lower cost. So you won’t have to worry so much about your finances on top of your child’s sickness.

Take Precautions

If you have another kid in the house, it’s best to ensure that they stay in different places and that your other family members stay safe and protected. Ensure your toddler understands what will happen and how it’s essential. They might feel scared and weak, but you must stay strong as their guardian. 

Here are a few precautions you must adhere to:

  • Wear Protection. COVID-19 is highly contagious, so wear a well-fitting medical mask while tending to your toddler. Wearing gloves or PPE isn’t necessary, but they would be an excellent way to protect yourself.
  • Sanitize Everything. It’s preferable to let your kids have different dishes dedicated to them. It’s the same with the utensils, cups, bed sheets, and towels. In cleaning them, it would be best to separate them from what the other members of the family use.
  • Regular Handwashing. Regular handwashing is the primary precaution for the COVID-19. So, regularly wash your hands with soap and water and then/or an alcohol-based hand rub, especially if you made contact with your sick toddler.

Prepare Isolation Place

If your toddler has COVID-19, you must understand that they should stay in a different place to stay isolated or at least away from others. They can stay in a bedroom that no one uses so they can stay comfortable and rested. 

However, if it’s impossible, you can sleep with your toddler, but keep as much distance as possible between beds. If you want to share beds, it’s best to sleep head to toe to distance yourself from them. Make sure that you or the caretaker wears a mask when near your child. Pay attention to ventilation and ensure that their isolation area is well-ventilated to promote air circulation.

They should stay home for at least five days when the virus is the most contagious. If they’re no longer showing symptoms, you can check with an over-the-counter rapid test to check their current situation. If the results are negative, they can end isolation after five days. However, if they still have symptoms, they should stay until they are fever-free and improving. 

Final Thoughts

It’s hard to see your toddler in pain and alone. It is important to effectively communicate your child’s situation and provide clear instructions to your family members. This will help ensure a steady and speedy recovery process for your child.  Try not to break the isolation protocol so you don’t get sick and can continue to tend your toddler back to their health. This straightforward guideline should contain the basic things you need to know. So, write them down or remember them in case of emergency.